Magnetic phone holder is one of the best phone holders present out there in the market.
After buying this the very first question appears in the mind is: how to install it carefully and perfectly?
So that it not only hold our smartphone/GPS device but also prevent from falling during the bumps and also minimizes vibrations during the roughed roads.
There are various types of magnetic phone holders like Dashboard, Windshield, Air vent, Steering Wheel Phone Holder & Cup Holder.
But I have personally used only Dashboard, Windshield and Air Vent.
So here in this guide I will cover Dashboard, Windshield and Air Vents with my experience and best methods which I have used personally to install it with sturdiness.
And to install the Cup Holder and Steering Wheels Phone Holder my friends Lisa & John used steering wheel phone holder and cup holder around period of 2 years that’s why they helps me with their best instructions.
Lisa instruct about steering wheel phone holder & John instruct about cup holder.
And Here it is:-
1. Dashboard/Windshield
(Dashboard and windshield both have same installing methods)
Installation methods
- Clean the Surface first where you want to install a phone holder.
- Attach the phone holder and keep applying pressure around 1 or 2 minute. (If Adhesive)
- Press/Tight the button to make it locked properly. (If Suction)
- Put the metal plate between the phone and phone case.
- Finally All Set: Mount your smartphone and enjoy.
- If you find your phone holder (Adhesive) is not sticking to suction cup when you use it, it kept falling even on the flightiest bumps then use this helpful tip.
- Please don’t mount your phone holder in front of the airbags it can be very harmful. (I know you know it, right? It is just to remained you)
- I personally do NOT recommend to install it on these types of surfaces: – leather, wall or film-coated glass. (Because it does not work properly)
- Please make sure that a ball head can rotate 360-degreies easily to meet you the perfect angle.
- If you want the my best recommended phone holder for Dashboard and Windshield.
2. Air Vent
Installation methods
- Insert/Mount holder’s feet in the air vent blades by pressing tightly.
- Insert the metal plate between the phone and phone case.
- That’s it. Enjoy!!
- Make sure that your phone case it not very thick, it can affect the magnetic power. ( If this then check these magnetic air vent holders)
- If you finds the wireless charging is not working fine them remove the metal plate because it could interfere with it. (it cannot affect most of the time)
3. Steering Wheel Phone Holder
By Lisa
Installation methods
- She said you don’t even read this to install it. (Easily attach it to the steering wheel)
- Put you phone and do all stuffs without keeping with your hand.
- She noticed me that: do not mount it while driving only when you parked (If your car has airbags into steering wheel)
- Check this out if you want steering wheel phone holder. (I Added)
4. Cup Holder
By John
Installation methods (If you already joined all the parts)
- Fit the cup holder and adjust it: twist the knob to expand the base.
- Put the phone in cup phone holder and attach it tightly.
- Alright! Done.
- Please recheck: Is everything is perfectly joined from installation manual.
- Make sure to tightly twist the knob so that the vibrations minimized even in the rough roads.
That’s it. I hope you will find this helpful please comment to know me is it helpful for you or not.
In this you will find all the queries answers at once: – How to install mobile holder in car, how to mount your phone in your car, how to install magnetic car phone holder.